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Showing posts from August, 2012

Love vs Arranged- My take

The Oxford English dictionary defines marriage as a formal union of man and woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife and I am sure that everyone agrees to this. But is marriage completely explainable in these couple of words? I do not think so. Simply saying, ‘Kabul hai’, ‘I do’ or taking the ‘saat pheres’ does not quiet interpret a marriage. As far as I can understand, marriage is a promise which is meant to remain unbroken for the life time of the people involved. It is vow to live together forever, to be by each other’s side, to make your mate happy and support in the sorrows, to try to understand each other and avoid misunderstandings, to be each other’s friend before the course of love and most importantly to trust each other and never let the foundation of the relationship weaken. A girl, since her childhood, dreams to have a perfect husband who comes on a white horse to marry her or so used to be the thought a few years back. Now the whi

Finally! When it Pours ...

I am not much of a rain lover but I can't help it when it rains especially when I was dying with extreme humidity in a new place. It seemed like the dark black clouds had forgotten their way to Delhi and when they finally arrived, I was awakened from my sleep by the sound of big raindrops falling on the floor just outside my room. My first thought was, "So finally, it pours on J.K. Rowling's birthday! Bless her." And with my room mates having a peaceful sleep, I had the moment to myself which resulted in the following few lines... ;-) As I wake up early in the morning I hear the raindrops crashing on the floor I smile and rejoice with the very thought Finally, it's pouring as I run past the door That moment of happiness is not explainable when you witness the the first rain of monsoon but the experience that I have is much better as I feel my first rain in a place unknown The anger and frustration of last night is now gone not with the