Last night during a WhatsApp group conversation, one of my friends mentioned that he wakes up at 7 in the morning to which some replied that it’s too early for a Sunday. I was thinking in my mind that 7 AM is early for any day. I probably haven’t seen the rising sun, felt the morning breeze for some years now. As I woke up this morning, the first image that I saw in front of me was a 10 year old girl coming out of her room in a half asleep state to see her Dad at the dining table having tea, mom in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the family and occasionally calling out her son to wake up. And even though I could sleep more this morning, sleep did not come to me. Homesickness! This image has struck me on Sundays before, at least in last one year. This was it. How my Sunday began with a warm Good Morning and not a lazy I don’t want to wake up. Now when I look back this image was real, I wonder what we did waking up at 7 in the morning. I can’t think of doing anything now. A bit...